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You are not alone. I offer my coaching in German, English and Swedish and would be delighted to help you on your journey towards Food Freedom and/or recovery from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea.  But I am not the only one out there who provides support and guidance. There are so many amazing women out there, ready to help you finding peace with your body. Here I have collected some of them. 

Mother and Baby

to regain your period in 8 weeks


is an Eating Disorder Recovery Coach & Mental Health Advocate.

is a period recovery coach.

Chlo (Flow with Chlo)

Eating Psychology Coach, Therapeutic Nutrition Counselor, and Eating Disorder Recovery Mentor. 

is a Dietitian with a focus in helping women heal Hypothalamic Amenorrhea.

helps you with support around body image.

counsellor who specialises in supporting you in eating disorder therapy, to find peace with food and body image. 

is a Doctor in Endocrinology with strong focus on bone health.

is a dietitian & sports nutritionist who helps you get your period back.

is a naturopathic doctor who offers practical guides to treating period problems with nutrition, supplements, and bioidentical hormones.

food freedom dietitian who helps women transform their relationship with food & body image

is a Hormone Health Expert.

is the queen of HA recovery and the author of the bible "No Period Now What?".

is a Health At Every Size (HAES) Exercise Physiologist and health coach.

HA and Fertility Coaching


ist Psychologin und arbeitet mit Frauengesundheit und Hypothalamische Amenorrhö.

schreibt über ihren Amenorrhö Heilungsweg.

möchte andere dazu motivieren und inspirieren den eigenen Weg raus aus der Essstörung mit mehr Bewusstsein und Selbstliebe zu meistern. Hier findest du sie auf Instagram.

ist ein Hormoncoach spezialisiert auf Hypothalamische Amenorrhö.

berichtet über die Folgen ihres einstigen Lebensstils und ihrem Weg zu einem gesunden und glücklichen Körpergefühl.


erbjuder hjälp med menscykler och ger stöd och råd för optimering av hormonhälsan.

förmedlar produkter, kunskap, inspiration och recept för ett liv i synk med vår kvinnliga biologi. 

What is Hypothalamic Amenorrhea?

Are you unsure if HA is the root cause behind your missing period? Click on the link below to learn more about what Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is, what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed and how you recover from it.

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